
”Om at kritisere sagsbehandlinger: Kritikken af sagsforløb i historier om udsatte børn og unge bør fremstå mere nuanceret og rette sig mod flere forvaltningsmæssige niveauer”/ Michael Christensen (2010). Avisartikel, Information, 21. januar 2010.

“Børneperspektivet: Børn som ligeværdige medspillere i pædagogisk og socialt arbejde”/ Hanne Warming (2011). Akademisk Forlag.

“Children’s participation and citizenship in a global age: Empowerment, tokenism or discriminatory disciplining?”/ Hanne Warming (2011). Social Work & Society. 9 (1).

“Så ruller ‘skandalen’ igen – Mern-sagen, Esbjerg-sagen og andre bindestregs-sager”/ Michael Christensen & Hanne Warming (2012). Social Kritik 129: 88-92.

”Theorizing adult’s facilitation of children’s participation and citizenship”/ Hanne Warming (2012) in C. Baraldi & V. Iervese (eds.): Participation, Facilitation, and Mediation: Children and Young People in Their Social Contexts. London: Routledge, pp. 30-48.

“Mistillid til kærlige plejeforældres faglighed?”. PLF-Bladet 10(3): 2728, Hanne Warming, 2012

“Childhood experiences and consequences for trust dispositions in later life”/ Julia Grosse & Hanne Warming (2012) in Hanne Warming (ed.): Participation, Citizenship and Trust in Children’s Lives. Palgrave Macmillan (2013).

“Conceptualizing the relationship between trust and children’s participation and citizenship in globalized societies”/ Hanne Warming (2012) in Hanne Warming (ed.): Participation, Citizenship and Trust in Children’s Lives. Palgrave Macmillan (2013).

“Conclusion and future perspectives”/ Hanne Warming (2012) in Hanne Warming (ed.): Participation, Citizenship and Trust in Children’s Lives. Palgrave Macmillan (2013).

“Introduction”/ Hanne Warming with Michael Christensen (2012) in Hanne Warming (ed.): Participation, Citizenship and Trust in Children’s Lives. Palgrave Macmillan (2013).

“Participation, Citizenship and Trust in Children’s Lives”/ Hanne Warming (ed.) (2012). Palgrave Macmillan (2013).

“Trust, Social Work and Care Ethics” /Michael Christensen (2012) in Hanne Warming (ed.): Participation, Citizenship and Trust in Children’s Lives. Palgrave, Macmillan (2013).

“Tillid i socialt arbejde med unge i udsatte positioner”/ Michael Christensen & Hanne Warming (2013) in B. Liehme (ed.): Socialt arbejde med udsatte unge. København: Akademisk Forlag (2013)

“Tillid og mistillid i børns liv – en kvantitativ undersøgelse af børns erfaringer, oplevelser og reaktioner”/ Manon Lavaud, Kristine Lagoni and Hanne Warming (2013).

”Gør evidens mere skade end gavn?”/ Hanne Warming (2015). Social Kritik 143: 6-13.

“Sådan vinder du tillid”/ Maria Rørbæk (2015) in Socialpædagogen 10/15, pp. 18-21. The article is available in Danish here.

“Udsatte børn skal mødes med tillid…”/ Hanne Warming (2015) in Socialrådgiveren 15, p. 2. The article is available in Danish here.

“Tillid i socialt og pædagogisk arbejde med børn og unge”/ Hanne Warming og Michael Christensen (2016). Akademisk Forlag. Read more about the book or order it here

Forthcoming publications:

“Trust and power dynamics in the shaping of children’s lived citizenship and participation in globalized societies”/ Hanne Warming (2016). Social Sciences Journal (accepted, forthcoming)