Presentations at conferences and research seminars

“Theorizing adult’s facilitation of children’s participation and citizenship”. Hanne Warming. Research Seminar, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, 26.-27. marts 2009

“Different approaches to – and my conceptualisation of – civil society, citizenship and participation, and their interrelation”. Hanne Warming, 2009

“Trust and Confidence: Possibilities for Social Work in ‘High Modernity’”. Hanne Warming. Præsentation af særlig inspirerende artikel, og hvordan perspektivet kan inspirere forskningen. SV-seminar, 2009

“Trust and Power in social and pedagogical work with chidren” Hanne Warming. ESA-conference, 3. september 2009

“Tillid i det sociale arbejde med børn og unge i udsatte positioner – ph.d. arbejdsplan” Michael Christensen. phd.WIP – RUC, september 2009

“Tillid i det sociale arbejde med børn og unge i udsatte positioner – phd.arbejdsplan”, Michael Christensen. CSCPP, RUC, oktober 2009

”Participation and citizenship of children and youth at risk”. Hanne Warming. Conference “Beyond Bourdieu – Habitus, Capital & Social Stratification”, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen, 1.-2. december 2009

”Refleksiv sociologi og participatorisk forskning – et umage par?” Hanne Warming. Sociologien i en kosmopolitan verden, session ’Refleksiv sociologi i praksis’. Dansk sociologkongres, 23. januar 2010

”Tillid, styring og professionsforståelse” Michael Christensen. PhD kursus: Vitenskabsteori & Profesjonsetikk – Høgskolen i Oslo, 15. marts 2010

”Præsentation af projekt ’tillid i socialt arbejde med udsatte børn og unge’”. Hanne Warming. Cebuff, 18. marts 2010

”Reflexive Sociology and Participatory Research: An odd pair?” Hanne Warming. Jyväskyla, Finland, 10. juni 2010

“The Luhmannian concept of trust in social work: Exploring the Luhmannian concept of trust through a prism of a feminist ethic of care” Michael Christensen. 3rd International Conference: Childhood and Youth in Transition, Sheffield, 6. juli 2010

”Trust and Care”. Michael Christensen. ph.d. WIP – RUC, 16. oktober 2010

“Trust-citizenship dynamics in the governance of childhood. Idea for Application for ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grants.” Hanne Warming. Trudy research seminar, 28.-29. oktober 2010

“Tillidsdynamikker: Metoder og foreløbige resultater fra forskning med børn og unge.” Hanne Warming. Cebuff, Institut for Psykologi og udannelsesforskning, RUC, 11. marts 2011

“Participation and citizenship of children at risk” Hanne Warming. International conference on ‘Imbalance? Work-Care relations and Migrant Care-Work. Roskilde University, 12. april 2011

”Stangspil – en metafor for forhandlinger om forskningsposition” Michael Christensen. Phd Kursus: Forskningsmanøvrer – undervejs med en afhandling, DPU, 23. juni 2011

“Getting the research position right?” Michael Christensen. 3rd International Summer School, University of Sheffield, 5. juli 2011

“To be or not to be a powerful agent. Trust as a crucial dynamic in the shaping of children’s participation and citizenship in complex globalized societies”. Hanne Warming. ESA 10th conference: Social Relations in Turbulent times, Geneva, Switzerland, 7.-10. september 2011

“Conceptualizing the relationship between trust and children’s participation and citizenship in globalized societies” Hanne Warming. CSCPP, RUC, 19. september 2011

“Børns liv, deltagelse og medborgerskab i globaliserede samfund – Om tillidens, anerkendelsens og magtrelationers betydning”. Hanne Warming. Professortiltrædelsesforelæsning, Institut for Samfund og Globalisering, RUC, 7. oktober 2011

“Trust, Social Work and Care Ethics” Michael Christensen. LPF, CBS, 16. november 2011

“Trust, Social Work and Care Ethics” Michael Christensen. CSCPP, RUC, 17. november 2011

“Potentials and limitations of a trust approach to children’s lives, participation and citizenship”  Hanne Warming. Poster præsenteret  den 20. juni 2012 på ESA midterm conference, research network on children and childhood, Jyväskyla, Finland, den 18.-20- juni 2012.

“It’s a real downer, which makes me think: ‘Fuck them’” Spatial contextualized trust dynamics in the shaping of lived citizenship of children and youth positioned at risk in a globalized world. Hanne Warming. Paper presented 9 . July 2012 at the conference ‘Celebrating Childhood Diversity’ , 9.-11. July 2012, Centre for the Study of Childhood and Youth, Sheffield University, UK.

“Children’s lives, social work and social policy”. Hanne Warming. Presentation at the Symposium: “Welfare State, Sociology of Education, Childhood Studies – Democratic Challenges and Perspectives – A Symposium in Honour of the 65th Birthday of Heinz Sünker”. 15-16 February 2013, Bergishe Universität Wuppertal, Germany.